Monday, January 18, 2010

And So It Begins!

Hey everyone!
I'm really excited for this semester to get underway and to get back into the swing of things. More than anything I'm worried about getting good practice habits into place, because i know i have not been practicing nearly as much as i should. So i think this blog and the practice journal we have to do will help keep me on top of things. In addition to those two things, anyone have any helpful tidbits on getting enough beneficial practices each week? Its not so much lack of motivation to go practice, but lack of motivation to get over to FA to do it, to be honest. Anyway, by the time anyone reads this I'll have come over to the dark side and will be a Music Industry major. Ten hours a week of practice seems a little daunting coming from the habits i had last semester...
Anyway, my habit of rambling when i don't know what to say, so i'll wrap it up. Here's to an awesome semester!
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1 comment:

  1. Good luck! Some practice tips:

    1. Get an egg-timer/kitchen timer and plan your regular practice breaks. You can also download widgets, or iPhone apps that'll do the trick.

    2. Try practicing at the exact time, and place - if possible - for a week. Then practice at different times and places for a week and compare the results.

    3. Try to memorize something - it may be slow-going, but you'll practice a lot!
